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Repairing Common Damages Your Eyeglasses May Suffer

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Your eyeglasses can be essential accessories for allowing you to be able to see clearly. Unfortunately, eyeglasses can suffer damage that may require professional services to repair.

Damage To The Lenses

The lenses are some of the most important components of eyeglasses. Unfortunately, these glass lenses can become scratched and cracked over the years. This may contribute to compromising the ability of the person wearing them to see clearly. While there are protective coatings that can be used to reduce the likelihood of the eyeglass lenses becoming scratched, it may not be possible to repair the lenses once extensive scratching or cracking has occurred. Luckily, it will be possible to keep your frames and to simply have the damaged lenses swapped for ones that are in better condition.

Frame Warping

Frame damage is another common issue that a pair of eyeglasses can experience. Sitting on the glasses, sleeping in them or dropping them can all be sources of potential damage to the eyeglasses. If the frames become warped, it is possible for a repair service to bend them back into position. Attempting this repair on your own can be a mistake due to the fact that it could be easy to accidentally make the warping worse. In some cases, these repair services may also be able to repair cracked and broken frames, but this will depend on the extent of the damage to the frame, the materials used in it and the equipment the repair provider has available.

Problems With The Screws For The Leg Joints

Issues with the screws that hold the legs in place can be another issue that your pair of eyeglasses may be likely to encounter. While it is common for these screws to come loose and need to be tightened, they may also experience stripping and jamming. The threaded hole that the screw uses may also suffer damage or issues that could prevent it from being able to securely hold it in place. If you are finding that it is increasingly difficult or impossible to adequately tighten these screws, it could be a sign that a professional repair may be needed. These services can replace any threaded components that have become stripped. In cases where a screw is jammed, the legs may not be able to be folded. This can be an especially problematic issue as it could lead to a higher risk of the glasses suffering serious damage when you are not wearing them. While these issues can have a major impact on your ability to comfortably wear the glasses, they can be extremely affordable and quick to have repaired. A company like Southern  Colorado Eye Care Associates can help you with more information. 
